Thursday, March 31, 2011

morgan maassen is awesome.

So I found this new photographer and he's pretty awesome. All of these photos use the vantage point to add a lot of interest to the photo. In the first, he messes with the contrast so it appears that all figures are walking on a flat plane, however this is a great example of spatial heirarchy. We know that there is depth within this frame because the figures shrink as they go back in the frame. The ones that are closer are larger and there is a sense of space because of the emphasis placed on the figures themselves.  For my discussion of vantage point, I'm going to talk about the third photo (because the second and fourth are obvious in their stylistic choices and how the vantage point is important). The vantage point that Morgan Maassen chooses to shoot from for the third photo in the series completely makes the photo. He puts the fin against the sky with no concrete items or plants or anything to tie the board to earth. Because of the vantage point, the board appears to be floating in the air. 

(to briefly discuss the other two: the second would not have the epic lead up to the figure if Maassen had not put his camera close to the walkway. the distance appears long and the picture has depth because of this stylistic choice. the last follows the line of the wave. clearly he was surfing in while dane peterson is and this vantage point gives more insight into the actions of the surfer and the epicness of the wave. LOVE!)

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