Thursday, March 31, 2011

In this photograph, Paul Raphaelson uses vantage point to reveal information that would have been lost if he had stood on the same plane as the cars. By standing above, presumably on another level of the parking deck, Raphaelson was able to record the tire marks in the snow (evidence of time) and indicate the altitude of the cars he is photographing. His vantage point simultaneously affords depth to the image, through inclusion of the side of the parking deck and the buildings below, and flattens it, establishing the distinct plane of the cars and tire marks.
The spacial hierarchy is almost the "joke" of this photograph by Garry Winogrand. The woman in the foreground is the logical "focus" however the two animals, presumably rhinoceroses, are equally in focus and take up the same amount of picture plane as the woman in front of them. This establishes a dialogue between the two (three?) subjects, ultimately resulting in a comparison.

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