Saturday, May 7, 2011

ARTIST TALK - Gabriella Bulisova


Gabriella Bulisova

On March 23rd I attended the ‘Women in War: Object/Subject’ talk by Gabriella Bulisova. Gabriella’s photography provides a succinct perspective of areas devastated by war in the strict sense of the word, effects of armed conflict, but also presents war torn areas in the sense of loss, ruin, and devastation such as Chernobyl and post-Katrina New Orleans. Her socially concerned documentary photography is meant to influence and inform to promote positive change.

I found it hard to fathom how she could experience and document such grief and form a personal interaction with the victims of a case only to move onto other seemingly endless cases. It must be incredibly difficult to be exposed to such destitute conditions knowing it is not possible to directly help everyone she comes into contact with. It is obvious that with her photography and writing she is helping in a way that is of potentially greater positive impact to the issues as a whole rather than providing isolated and limited assistance to a few.

It is rather easy to go on living and not be aware of the innumerous social issues around the world, but also here in the United States. It’s good to know people, such as Gabriela Bulisova, exist that present topics not covered in the daily world news summary. Although not all that surprising, it was remarkable learning of the US abandonment of Iraqi refugees that risked their lives and families to help this country. Gabriella also brought to light the ever-present effects of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. ‘Chernobyl: Life on the Edge’ resurfaced the impact of the event and presented its lasting and seemingly ceaseless detrimental effects on the people and on the environment from which they must find sustenance.

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